Peak State Fit CycleCafé

Sip excellence with every cup at our in-house coffee shop, featuring Idle Hands Coffee. It’s the perfect spot to relax and refuel.


Retail Coffee

Pick up a bag of Idle Hands coffee and enjoy your favorite artisan blends in the comfort of your own home.

Confluence Blend - 12oz

Roast Profile: Medium
Flavors: Brown Sugar, Milk Chocolate, Cherry and Sweet Citrus
Descriptors: Balanced & Coating
Origins: Linarco Rodriguez, Colombia; Las Isabellas, El Salvador; Boledu, Ethiopia; Korongo, Tanzania; Donas do Cafe, Brazil
Processing: Washed Colombian, El Salvador and Tanzanian; Natural Brazil and Ethiopia


First Light Blend - 12oz

Roast Profile: Light
Flavors: Honey, Red Berries, Sweet Citrus, Floral
Descriptors: Juicy & Vibrant
Origins: Halo Beriti, Boledu, Ethiopia & Finca Betania, Linarco Rodriguez, Colombia.
Processing: Washed Colombian and Natural Ethiopia


Ethiopia - Single Origin - 12oz

Flavor: Apricot Jam, Strawberry, Floral
Descriptors: Velvety, Smooth, Bright

Producer: Boledu Coffee
Farmer: Smallholder Farmers
Washing Station: Aricha Washing Station
District: Yirgacheffe
Zone: Gedeo

Shade: Shade Grown
Farm Size: 2 Hectares
Altitude: 1,900-2,150m
Latitude: 6.171530
Longitude: 38.214568

Variety: Kurume, Dega and Wolisho
Process: Natural
Fermentation: Dry
Drying: 16-21 days on raised beds


Myanmar - Single Origin - 12oz

Flavor: Milk Chocolate, Grape, Red Apple, Brown Spices
Descriptors: Coating and Sweet

Producer: Daw Mya Hnin and Danu Farmers From Pway Na Phar
Co-op: Shwe Taung Thu
Farms: Approximately 100 Smallholder Families
State: Shan State, Danu Self-Administered Zone
Region: Ywangan Township

Sun Exposure: Mixed
Farm Size: Small Family Subsistence Farming
Altitude: 1,283 masl
Latitude: 21.202420
Longitude: 96.430007

Variety: Catuaí
Process: Natural


“Throughout our time in coffee, we have been fortunate enough to build relationships with producers, growers, farmers, mill operators, co-ops, and local exporters in coffee-growing countries. These valuable partnerships have shaped our approach to sourcing and we are committed to supporting them year after year.

To us, being a responsible roaster means that there is a moral responsibility to every person these coffees interact with from crop to cup; not just sourcing coffees strictly for their intrinsic qualities. We make very conscious decisions to step away from traditional attitudes and conventional methods of buying and selling coffee and we are sure to not replace them with elitist ones.

We firmly believe in the principle of collaboration, mutual growth and equity throughout the value STREAM.”

Idle Hands: About Us

Proudly Sold At Peak State Fit

Rent Our Space!

From corporate events to club meetups, Peak State CycleCafé is your perfect contemporary venue.